Please be informed that effective January 1, 2023, the rates of the following services shall be imposed:

TanWD Beefs Up CSR with “SOAK N’ WASH” (Strengthening One’s Awareness and Knowledge in Water Sanitation and Hygiene)

Tanay Water District conducted on Thursday, March 20, the “SOAK N’ WASH” (Strengthening One’s Awareness and Knowledge in Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Campaign at the National Child Development Center (NCDC) building in Brgy. Katipunan-Bayani. The half-day program – with pupils and their guardians at the NCDC as the event’s audience and beneficiaries – coincided with continue reading : TanWD Beefs Up CSR with “SOAK N’ WASH” (Strengthening One’s Awareness and Knowledge in Water Sanitation and Hygiene)

Publication of Vacant Position

NOTICE OF VACANT POSITIONTanay Water District is looking for applicants to fill in the vacant positions. Please refer to the link below for details:–CxT97MKcRxayLgY/view?usp=sharing CSC Job Portal Link:

TanWD Inks Usufruct Deal with DOST-PAGASA for New Water Source

Tanay Water District (TanWD) signed on Nov. 22, 2024 the historic usufruct agreement with DOST-PAGASA, which would allow the District to use a portion of PAGASA’s Tanay Synoptic and Upper Air Station property as a new water source. Among those present during the signing rites held at Cafe Katerina in So. Mayagay I, Brgy. Sampaloc continue reading : TanWD Inks Usufruct Deal with DOST-PAGASA for New Water Source