How to send a feedback |
How feedback is processed |
How to file a complaint | • Direct message through FB Page
• Through email at • Walk-in clients may fill-out client feedback/complaints form and drop it in the designated drop box/suggestion box located on the Public Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD) or verbally file complaint to the Customer Service Officer • Hand-carry their written complaints and have it received in the office thru the CSO. |
How complaints are processed | NOTE: All complaints are assigned with Reference/Complaint Number for monitoring and follow-up purposes.
• Through FB Account: 1. Customer Services Officer (CSO) checks the messenger of the FB page of the District daily, and endorses the same to the concerned Division or Unit. 2. The concerned Division or Unit conducts investigation, and provide answer/response to the complaint. 3. The CSO will then answer/respond to the complaint of the concessionaire. • Through email at 1. OGM staff daily checks the email and endorses the complaint to the GM 2. GM endorses the complaint to Commercial Division Manager thru the CSO. 3. The Commercial Division forwards complaint to the concerned Division or Unit to conduct investigation, and provide answer/response to the OGM. 4. The GM sends response and answer (cc: Commercial Division Manager). • Through suggestion box 1. Public Assistance and Complaints Desk Officer daily checks and evaluates the complaints. 2. PACD Officer then endorses the complaint to the CSO for Complaints Number assignment. 3. The CSO endorses the complaint to the concerned unit/division. 4. The concerned Division or Unit will then conduct investigation and provide answer to the complaint and send back to CSO. 5. The CSO send response or answer or feedback to the complainant copy furnished the PACD Officer. • For complaints sent through hard copy: 1. CSO receives the complaint and endorses it to the Commercial Division Manager. 2. Commercial Division Manager endorses the complaint to concerned Division (cc CSO for assignment of Complaint Number). 3. The concerned Division or Unit conducts investigation, and provide answer/response to the complaint, and endorses the same to the Commercial Division. 4. The Commercial Division Manager will forward the complaint result to OGM for approval. 5. The Commercial Division Manager sends response and answer. For walk-in clients with complaints/request: 1. Customer Service Assistant or Officer (CSA/O) prepares Service Request (SR), then endorses it to Concerned Unit/Division. 2. The concerned Division/Unit conducts inspection/investigation then indicate the findings in the SR Form to be forwarded to the CSA/O. The CSA/O will then send the response or answer or feedback to the complainant. Report on complaints is prepared monthly by the Commercial Division and is discussed during management meetings/reviews. For inquiries and follow-up concessionaires may contact: 8654-4450/8401-4524 09611197965; 09668476564; 09304074662; 09497837231 |
Contact Information of Tanay Water District | 8654-4450/8654-3891 0961-119-7965/0917-894-1990 |
Contact Information of ARTA | (02) 8478-5091 • (02) 8478-5093 • (02) 8478-5099 |
Contact Information of Presidential Complaints Center (PCC) |
+63(2)-87368621 |
Contact Information of CSC Contact Center ng Bayan | 0908-8816565 |